Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Instruments Has Families Too!

Photo Credits: Gellinger

Did you know that instruments have their own family? This is how they are classified by their sizes or types. I listed the common families of instruments.

Brass Family
This instrument produces sound by the sympathetic resonance of air through a tubular resonator together with the vibration of the musician’s lips. This is also called labrosones, which means “lip-vibrated instruments”. Some of the popular brass instruments are Trumpet, Trombone, Cornet, French Horn, Tuba, Bugle, Contrabass Bugle, Euphonium, etc. 

Strings Family
This instrument creates sound through the vibrating strings. Some stringed instruments are played by plucking their fingers, hitting a light wooden hammer, or rubbing a bow on the strings etc. This is also called chordophones. Here are some of the popular strings instruments – Guitar, Banjo, Harp, Hurdy Gurdy, Violin, Cello, Ukulele, etc.

Woodwind Family
The woodwind instrument produces sound by separating an exhaled air on a sharp edge. Wood isn’t the only material used to make these instruments, this can also be made of brass, silver, cane, etc. Some of the woodwind instruments are Flute, English Horn, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, etc.

Keyboard Family
These are musical instruments played by pressing your fingers in a row of levers. Some of the popular are Piano, Accordion, Organ, Harpsichord, Synthesizer, etc.

Percussion Family 
Musical instruments that produce sound by being hit or scraped by a beater, hand or other similar objects. Here are the popular examples of percussion instruments like Bell, Drum, Marimba, Tambourine, Triangle, Xylophone, Gong, Cymbals, Cajon, Vibraphone, etc. 

There are many benefits to learning an instrument. You can do this during your free time. If you can’t choose, you can always visit some music schools and request a trial session for you to choose what you’re interested in. You can visit this site, for you to find a music school or a music teacher that is near you!

The Most Studied Language in the World

Photo Credits: Maialisa

Do you know what is the most studied language across the world?

There are more than of thousands of languages in the world. Aren’t you somehow curious what is the most popular that people are studying it? Well, you could thank me because I as well was curious! So, I list the top 5 most studied language and why.

English – of course! We know that this is the second language of every person in the world for those who are not a native English-speaker. Although Spanish-speakers are increasing, English has still named as the world’s “most influential language” due to it has the most number of speakers and the most number of countries that speak it.

Spanish – Its fame started in the USA and now in Europe. Currently, this is the second-most widely spoken after Mandarin. This has 400 million native speakers and an astounding 21 countries that use it. This is one of the Romance Languages because it originated from a language spoken by Romans.

French – this is also one of the romance languages. Spoken in France, Quebec, and some parts of the US and Africa. This is the fourth most widely spoken mother tongue in Europe. It is also the only language that is spoken in all countries aside from English. This is also one of the most powerful languages.

Mandarin (Chinese) – this is the most popular language today. It is a tonal language, with China’s population of almost 1 billion people worldwide. That’s why it was topped as the most number of people who speak this language. Its writing system was designed by Chinese to unify China.

German – due to Germany’s being one of Europe’s economic powerhouse, there are a lot of opportunities there. That’s why more native Germans are thriving in their career, and more immigrants from around the world want to learn German. This is also part of one of the powerful languages in the world.

Italian - one of the romance languages. Italian is one of the most studied languages due to its culture. The increasing numbers of people who are in the Italian language are linked by the growing obsession with food. Being the culinary capital of the world, people are into learning Italian recipes. Thus, also learning the Italian language.

If you want to learn these languages, I suggest you visit This will help you to find the nearest language tutor or class from you.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Thinking of Martial Arts? Try these.

Photo Credits: SnapwireSnaps

Thinking about learning martial arts? I guess you’re in the right place. I listed down the different form of martial arts that focuses on grappling. Here it goes:

Throwing – this is a grappling technique that includes off-balancing or lifting an opponent and throwing them to the ground. Types of throws that are popular: Shoulder and back throws, Leg throws, Hip Throws, Sacrifice Throws and Pick-ups.

Pinning – is a grappling technique where you hold down your opponent on the ground and making them immobilize.

Here is a list of martial arts that uses both Throwing and Pinning.

Judo originated in Japan. Its objective is to toss or takedown opponents or immobilize them. Some use weapons as a defence but are not allowed in competition or free practice. Its three basic types of techniques are throwing, grappling and striking. The uniform use is called Judogi where it is used for practice and competitions.

Aikido also originated from Japan where the main objective of its creator was to create an art where you could defend yourself while also protecting the opponent from injury and immobilize them. Most of the strikes used in Aikido resembles the thrust of a sword or knife. Basic grabs are Single-hand, Both-Hand, Shoulder-grab and Chest-grab. Keikidogi or Aikidogi is the uniform used in Aikido.

Joint Lock/Chokeholds/Submission holds – these are techniques used in grappling to forcingly put your opponent on pain or immobilizing them. Here is a kind of martial arts that uses this technique.

Brazilian Jiu Jutsu or BJJ originated from Portuguese which focuses on grappling. This was adapted from Judo that later was considered as combat sports through experiments and practices. Kimono is the uniform used in BJJ where it is like Judogi but with tighter cuffs on pants and jacket. BJJ has a ranking system where practitioners are given different coloured belt defending their rank. 

Recently, I have created a subreddit called r/martialartsforall. I invite you guys to subscribe to it and use it to interact with everybody about topics that are related to martial arts. This is a friendly community where everyone can post memes, videos, and discuss individual experiences regarding martial arts. Please check it out. :)

Other Martial Arts that you can try Boxing, Capoeira, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Kickboxing, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, MMA, Muay Thai, Self Defense, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Wing Chun.

Yoga for Beginners

Credits to: Free-Photos

Are you thinking of having a new type of exercise but don’t want to lift weights at the gym? Or running or jogging for miles? Well, you are on the right page where I will discuss a more slow, relaxed and gentle form of exercise which is called Yoga. Here is a list of different types of yoga:

Aerial Yoga - it can also be called as Anti-Gravity Yoga. You need a soft fabric, called hammock, which hangs 1 meter above the ground. This is more challenging because you need more balancing and carrying your own weight.

Akhanda Yoga – it means bringing together with passing on the aspect of the yoga tradition, coordinating breath and movement in a balanced sequence artfully.

Anusara Yoga – this can be called as a modern-day Hatha Yoga, which means “flowing with grace” or “following your heart”. Instructors for this yoga is discourage a fixing method. This allows each individual to develop on their own.

Ashtanga Yoga – this method of yoga includes coordinating the breath with an ongoing sequence of positions which helps produce intense internal heat, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs which results in more improved circulation of light and strong body, and a calm mind.

Bikram Yoga – this is held in a heated room with temperatures of 105 degrees and 40% humidity to allow the body to stretch and detoxify. This has a sequence of 2 breathing exercise and 26 poses which must be performed within 90 minutes. This isn’t like any other yoga where the instructor demonstrates the poses. They’re trained to talk you the flow, so you will stop thinking and concentrate on the moment.

Hatha Yoga – a common term for any form of yoga that teaches physical posture. It is mostly an overview of the basic yoga postures.

Hot Yoga – this is practised in a hot and humid environment. It leads to a profuse sweat which improves the circulation of blood.

Iyengar Yoga – this type of yoga concentrates on finding the correct position in each pose by using blocks, blankets, chairs and straps.

Vinyasa Yoga – is a type of yoga where there is a dynamic flow from position to position. This commonly referred to as Flow Yoga or Power Yoga. It is a precise sequence of posture.

Yin Yoga – a type of yoga that is quiet and meditative. This is also called as Taoist Yoga. It enables the release of tension in ankles, knees, hips back, neck and shoulders. Its poses are reflexive where your muscles should be relaxed while gravity does the job.

There are different styles of Yoga suited which depends on a person’s fitness level and the desired outcome. Different styles of yoga aren’t greater than the other. The only key is to choose an appropriate class for your fitness level!

You can also try Pilates which is good to alleviate low back pain and this is great for elderly people. Check the site for more information about Pilates.

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In today's competitive business landscape, connecting with key decision-makers is vital for any company looking to expand and grow. Fina...